Free Palestine Rally 24 March 2024

Free Palestine Rally 24 March 2024

Free Palestine Rally 24 March 2024

In spite of it being Ramadan or perhaps because of it, Perth Muslims were out in force banging their pots and pans for a #FreePalestine. This Ramadan, the fast reminds Muslims and everyone else, how the denial of food is being used in the genocide against the people of Gaza. 

Speakers highlighted the failure of Australia's political parties to do anything much to help the people of Gaza and strongly condemned the Australian Labor #Albanese Government of supporting the Israeli Terror State. The Biden Regime were not forgotten and it was clear folks know that many of the bombs being dropped have a "Made in the USA" tag on them!

As usual, the folks were creative with their signs and placards which are displayed in our gallery of images below. We collect these and get them online quick so that folks can send them to their politicians via social media. That's why they arrive as resized raw camera proofs with a label on them and not much colour correcting, unless they need to be edited to blur out background faces.

We publish our images as "Portrait" or "Landscape" so the scrolling of the gallery is best. If we dump them all in together then it jumps around and you have to do a lot of moving of your mouse, like the early birds have to do when they check out our placards and signs gallery above!

Above: Our Portraits and Below our Landscape photographs. If you see your photograph here and you want a copy, then use our Contact Us Page to send ask for a copy! If Agadora says "Yes" then we can send you a colour corrected larger size image. If you want copies of large image sets we're happy to discuss it with you.

Al Falaq Photography does not operate a black list in which we take a photo and then not publish it. If we take a pic and it's not online it's likely we didn't think it was flattering enough or something!

Thanks to everyone who consented to have their photograph taken and to the organisers and speakers who helped to make the event a success. Sadly, the ongoing failure of the World's Leadership Groups to stop the end the Occupation of Palestine makes these Protests happen far too regularly. #BoycottIsrael


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