Palestine Rally 2 March 2024

Palestine Rally 2 March 2024

The Perth Multicultural Community Free Palestine Rally on the 2nd March 2024 was organised by the Arabian Heritage Association, The Ulama Board of WA and the Friends of Palestine WA (FOPWA) and was held in the Gosnells Town Centre. There was a large gathering of folks who gathered to condemn the Israeli Apartheid Regime’s Genocide that is currently happening in #Gaza and to express support for the Palestinian People.

This is the first Community Event for this website so this is a real milestone collection of images. CADT Photography has been using our resources to provide free photography for not for profit and/or volunteer run Organisations since 1998 because we believe in the values of giving back, and using our work to pay it forward with like minded people plus we know the development of Community Social Capital occurs when grassroots voices are amplified.

This appreciation of the value of grassroots voices and initiative is why the first gallery of images are of the placards that were on display. A lot of work goes into these and the placards highlight important messages that politicians in all political parties should be taking into consideration as they formulate foreign relations policy. It’s clear that the Muslim Community have discovered their Voice and it would appear that Political Parties should note that “the Muslim Vote” will punish the perceived support for genocide, stemming from the lacklustre foreign policy performances, at the next elections, at state and federal levels.

The Second Gallery, below, is the Portrait Style Images commencing with the MC, Sheik Shabeeb from the Venerable Perth Mosque. The Colour Correction Editing process is hopefully light handed, however, we are cognisant of the fact that this is a new image processing system. These “free” images are designed to be rapid set website versions.

It was most excellent to see some friendly faces from places of prayer around Perth and to catch up with some friends from years ago. It seems a lack of Accountability in International Justice and never ending failures of diplomacy, underpin this horrific, seemingly semi regular, “calendar event” that causes the community outrage that compels grassroots people to join together to protest yet more and ever increasing, Israeli heavy handed indiscriminate bombing of Occupied Palestine.

This lack of Statesmanship and high minded leadership is why the failed political process is so irksome to those of us who are supporters of peace and practical outcomes based, non violent solutions.

Thanks to everyone who consented to have their photograph taken. Thank you to the Organisers and the Speakers and the many people who helped on the day to make this a successful grassroots event. Now we just need our political class to start taking action to end the genocide and implement an end to the occupation of Palestine.

It is important to remember the lives of the journalists and their families who have been murdered by the regime. We are seeing corrupt political classes engage in the targeting of Journalists through lawfare i.e. Julian Assange, the censorship of protected speech with bullying, harassment and intimidation and now we see that Journalists along with Hospital Workers and Ambulance Operators are being openly killed in actions that the International Criminal Court is describing as genocide and war crimes.

On a lighter note, a dear Sister described a successful peaceful blockade of a Israeli Film Festival in Northbridge, about which certain people have fond memories of seeing steam coming out of the Israeli Ambassador’s ears as a result of Nick Everett’s Very Special “Small” chant, but we digress. Ask Nick about the Small Chant when you see him if you want to know more!!!

Keep Smiling! Mashallah and Thank you for your visit. We hope you enjoy the photographic images.


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Al Falaq Logo