Portraits for Individuals and Families.
"We like to be as happy with the photographs as you are"
Groups, Individuals or Families arranging private events can commission us to create a set of images of posed Portraits and candid photographs to provide a lasting memory of milestone events. We can work on location or at a home. We specialise in using natural lighting to produce classic images and we can produce black and white photographs for that timeless look displayed on the walls of your home.
We prefer to undertake a needs assessment with clients to establish the boundaries and expectations before the event and this may include lighting and venue checks to ensure we are fully prepared. Our artisan approach means taking the time to ensure the image brief is met. Collecting the images required means we need to know in advance if the final images are to be printed or sized for splashing around social media or both.
We know how to use our photography to make small events look bigger and we take the time to gather images that include everyone. We expect you to arrange the photo permissions and inform your guests that you have a photographer in attendance. We are always happy when the client lets us know in advance who is not wanting to be photographed so we all avoid misunderstandings!
Our packages are tailored to meet the needs of our clients and our fees are flexible. We do not charge by the hour, so we do not rush in and run around and disappear in a cloud of dust. Our fees are based around the time taken to create the images plus the time required to do editing of camera proofs that includes variables such as preparations for printing, colour touchups and resizings for social media.
We provide fee paying clients with a complete set of edited camera proofs and curate a gallery of the best images for your convenience and viewing pleasure.
Community Events for Organisations.
We understand that photographs are an important way to document community history and our media coverage is an important way to make sure after an event the issue is seen and heard by decision makers and influencers in the public policy making sector.
We have a Sponsorship Program to document public events to highlight issues of public importance, especially if we support the issue, run by Not for Profit or Volunteer Organisations. To support the Ummah, we choose to promote Muslim businesses who share our values. We do charge a fee to photograph arts festivals and cultural events run by large funded groups or for profit organisations.
Please note, we do not do candid photography at rallies or public events as we know it is important to obtain appropriate consent and our editing process smudges out the faces of background people to protect privacy.
It is impossible to collect images of everyone at large public events so we try to collect images that represent the event to support the organiser's mission. See our Palestine Rally Photographs in our Archives above. We do charge a fee to cover festivals for large funded organisations.
Pet Photography
We understand that your fur babies are not just pets, they are members of your family and photographs of them provide lasting memories that of their lives with us. It's not just an excellent way to spoil yourself but good photographs are a big way to mitigate the future without them. For dog lovers, we will consider undertaking commissions of your fur baby. For cat lovers, we understand you know how difficult it is to get a good cat photograph and we're willing to work with you to collect an image package of the little people who rule your homes with rods of fur.
We like to undertake photography in a relaxed and low stress environment ergo in these days we prefer to cover events where alcohol or other substances are not on the menu. We can do weddings but for health reasons we are not currently providing this service. We would be prepared to provide our image making skills at a Wedding for people who like our particular photography style, support our mission and wish to utilise our photography service in conjunction to the main event photographer.
In the past James was a Board Member of the Brunswick LETS group in Melbourne so we are happy to discuss requests from Members of Community Exchange Systems.
More information can be obtained by contacting us through the Contact Us Page above. The CADT website is at www.caer-awen.org