Salat Learning Guides - Page 2

Salat Learning Guides - Page 2

Salat in Arabic A2 Palestine Edition

This Al Falaq Salat in Arabic contains Surah's Al-Falaq and Al-Nas with English "How to" guides. This edition contains photographs from the Rally for Palestine held at Gosnells in Western Australia. It is made sized A2 so it's good for printing in A4 at home.

Salat in Arabic and English aka the Mixed Salat!

This Mixed Salat format contains, side by side, English and Arabic with English "How to" guides with the Al-Falaq and Al-Nas Surahs. It was made to be A2 so it can be printed out and used as a poster on a wall as well as for smaller sizes such as A3 and A4.

Step by Step Illustrated Salat in Arabic and English A3

As the title suggests, this is a Step by Step illustrated guide to the Salat with English and Arabic. It's designed as a 4 Rak'ah cycle with Quran Readings and the "How to Guides", in English, with illustrations show the position and it's related invocation. The pdf file is sized A3 so it is readable at A4.

The Reference for the images is "My Prayer Book" (For Children) by Durussalam which is available from IBC Perth.

Al Falaq Logo

Al Falaq Logo