

Invocations in Islam

It is a challenge for new Muslims to learn some of the commonly used Invocations used in Islam. One of the most useful tools is the small book Fortress of the Muslim by Darussalem and is one of the many treasures available at The Islamic Lifestyle Store where you can buy your very own copy which is small enough to fit in your handbag or pocket. For people who want to see the complete works online NOW it's available here:

On this page are a selection of invocations designed as a starter pack. These pdf files are handy educational tools that contain the Arabic with English translations and are designed to be printed out and placed on the appropriate wall of your home to help with learning the language and getting folks started on their prayer journey.

The Shahada

The Shahada is the cornerstone of Islam and is the invocation recited when one becomes a Muslim. For this reason it is placed here before the numbered list! 

Al-Fatihah Invocation 

1. Al-Fatihah is the first surah (chapter) of the Quran.The meaning of the expression "Al-Fatihah" is "The Opener/The Key". It consists of 7 ayah (verses) which are a prayer for guidance and mercy. Al-Fatihah is recited in Muslim obligatory and voluntary prayers and therefore it is important for Muslims to learn.

Wudu Invocation  

2. These are the invocations to say when starting and after completing Wudu, the preparation for Prayer. These work well printed out on the bathroom door as a handy reminder!

Entering/Leaving the Home

3. "What to say when leaving or entering the home" is both a reminder as well as a tool to help learn more Arabic words!


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What to say when you Wakeup 

4. Start your day of on the right track with this handy reminder that can be printed out and stuck on the wall next to your bed!

Supplications for Rising.

5. Whoever says this when he rises in the morning will be protected from jinns until he retires in the evening, and whoever says it when retiring in the evening will be protected from them until he rises in the morning.

What to say Before Sleeping

6. This is a handy guide for before sleeping. The instructions are to Cup your palms together, blow gently into them and then recite the invocations.

Islamic Grace!  

7. Invocations to say before and after eating to give thanks for food.

Invocations for All day (and night) protection 

8. Whoever recites these three times in the morning and in the evening, they will suffice him (as a protection) against everything!

We hope you find these invocations inspire your prayer journey, whoever you are. We thank Fortress of the Muslim for being so inspirational and we encourage you to buy your own copy. The pdf files contain Arabic and English because it just makes sense, from an educational pedagogy perspective, that knowing what we are saying makes learning quicker while enhancing meaning and purpose.


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