Islamic Meditation

Islamic Meditation

This is a link to an Online Islamic Medication Course by Ihsan (Emil Torabi) which we are placing here for our readers. We are not expert in this area nor do we support any claims made and Readers are advised to "do your own research" to decide if this practice is correct for them.

The Following is a quotation from the Manual:

What is Islamic Meditation?

“And I have created the jinn and men but to engage in divine service and worship Me.” –– Surah Adh-Dhariyat (Holy Qur’an, 51:56) ––

Islamic Meditation, known in Arabic as Zikr, sometimes spelled Dhikr, has been practiced since time immemorial. Throughout this manual, I will be using the terms Zikr and Islamic Meditation interchangeably.

Meditation was particularly a practice of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S), and it was in fact during an extended period of spiritual presence and meditation that he received revelation in the Cave of Hira on Jabal-Nur, the Mountain of Light, just outside the Holy City of Mecca.

“Certainly, the Remembrance of God is without doubt the greatest.” –– Surah Al-Ankaboot (Holy Qur’an, 29:45) ––

For more information about Islamic Meditation go here:

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